Friday, June 26, 2009

How to Conceive a Girl

Conceiving a baby entirely depends on the nature and until today human interference has very little role to play, when it comes to choosing the sex of a child. Several beliefs and theories used to arrive at a conclusion regarding how to conceive a girl, but still no sure shot method is available.

Well going by the scientific explanations, when an X chromosome of female egg meets Y-chromosomes of sperm, a girl child is born. However, there is no natural way by which a couple can decide the gender of their child.

Nevertheless, off course couples can certainly try and create an environment facilitating the fusion of X and Y-chromosomes, rather than Y-Y chromosomes. In certain theories, time of intercourse is important while other believe in particular position during intercourse for girl child.

Like according to the Shettles method couples must have intercourse everyday, once the women’s period is over and continue until three days prior to ovulation .In fact the theory also emphasizes on the vaginal environment saying that it should not be too alkaline. On the other hands, another method called 0+12 suggests that couples must have sex after 12 hours of ovulation for a girl child. Apart from these theories, there are several over the counter medicines and dietary supplements that are sold openly in market.
Yet, before following any crash diet or taking any pills, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist, because blindly following the advertisements might lead to serious side effects.

However there are some popular beliefs relating to the how to conceive a girl, for example eating lots of fish, veggies followed by a dessert will result in a girl child. Then making love in the afternoon might help in choosing the gender. In fact, some believers’ say that having sex during full moon helps in getting a girl child.